Saturday, March 27, 2010

Clarifying Rebelliousness

To expound on my earlier post about rebelliousness, I have a few more thoughts.

It is natural to give into worldly desires or whatever, as we as Christians still have our sin nature thanks to Adam and Eve. (My friend has a t-shirt that says, “My Bad. -Eve”) That is the beauty of grace, that God loves me even though I have my sinful nature.

What I mean by rebelliousness is that I wish I could wake up every morning and give the entire day, all my actions and thoughts, to God. I do often pray that, yet two seconds later, I’m unconsciously taking back my words, thinking about how I can glorify myself today rather than God. The rebelliousness comes into play in virtually everything I do. Every decision to be made, there is a Godly voice and an evil voice (“Share the gospel with this person,” versus “I don’t feel like talking to anyone right now.” or “Wait to learn this guy’s heart and character,” versus “What’s the harm in letting him kiss you.” or “Spend time with Me,” versus, “I would rather do something else.”) Granted, I don’t always DO the rebellious thing, but there is a part of me that WANTS to do the rebellious thing.

I KNOW intellectually that doing the Godly thing will make my life better. Maybe not easier, but better, and perhaps simpler. But I still want to do the sinful thing (sinful in the sense that everything that is not of faith is sin, so that even “good” things done for selfish reasons are still sinful).

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