So, the last thing you want is a pop quiz from the teach or a surprise test on the new Mission and Vision statement of your church or organization.
It can certainly be a daunting and challenging task to regulate alertness and clarity during the day, especially after a holiday hiatus. One effective yet unhealthy way to adjust would be through the measured use of uppers and downers; pop some caffeine or Benzedrine to get you going and keep you alert during the day, and use alcohol or Xanax to help numb and quiet your mind at night. I personally like to read books (hence, my handle) in the early morn’ and late in the eve (while cuddled up in my Snuggie) to help regulate my brain waves.
Alternatively, and as practice for potential surprises at school or work, I’ve devised a pop quiz to help warm your noodle and help you get adjusted back to reality. Should you answer incorrectly, you will be immediately disgusted and appalled by the appearance of a popular yet nerdy television character portrayed in the form of a doll with an oversized, wobbly head. If you answer correctly, you will be rewarded not just with the good feeling that you got the answer right, but with a visual affirmation that you are correct.
One important value you will learn in school is giving credit where credit is due. Plagiarism can lead to expulsion and ridicule. Hence, I thank my fellow blogger, Classic Culture, for the quizzical idea.
1. Coldplay’s popular song title, “Yellow,” released in 2000, was inspired by
b. The color of the stars in the night sky
c. A metaphor for joy and happiness
d. The Yellow Pages phone directory
2. The little red cooler that I tote around with me and that sits affectionately on the extra chair in my office contains (at least, as I've convinced Randy "the Communications Guy" Renbarger)
a. Fiber supplements that support a healthy digestive system
d. A spare kidney in case I need a transplant on short notice
3. During staff prayer on Tuesday mornings at the large southeastern Presbyterian Church where I am employed, it is socially acceptable to
a. Check and reply to emails on your mobile device of choice (e.g. iPhone, Blackberry, etc.)
b. Confess to God that you are experiencing spiritual warfare
c. Slouch in your seat and begin to nod off if you are sitting near the back of the room
d. Laugh at Bob Carter’s jokes
4. The behaviors that most annoy me at the fitness center where I work out are
5. My Myers-Briggs personality is (the best one to be)
6. According to a prior post on my blog, I celebrate Christmas by
b. Decking my humble abode with twinkly lights and a life-sized Santa
d. Protesting consumerism by purchasing absolutely nothing for anyone in my life